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Richard Farr
Nov 26, 2019
Coup d’état, ou L’état c’est moi?
Donnie! Bibi! Evo! Irony alert. They’re all corrupt and they are all prepared to cling to power through lies and force even when their...

Richard Farr
Nov 15, 2019
Oh, and lock him up too.
Criminals, criminals, everywhere And none that stopped to think Samuel Taylor Coleridge The Crime of the Ancient Panderer A friend, out...

Richard Farr
Nov 6, 2019
A total lack of common sense
A spokesperson for survivors of the Grenfell tragedy have apologized for saying that Jacob Rees-Mogg “showed a total lack of common...

Richard Farr
Nov 4, 2019
Macboris: a fragment from a lost play about power and nihilism
Discovered recently among the manuscripts of that great English dramatist Willie A. Peakshamers: Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow...

Richard Farr
Aug 13, 2019
No Reasonable American
The latest mass shootings by home-grown American terrorists come during a massive corruption scandal at the organization popularly known...

Richard Farr
Jun 3, 2019
Trump v Mueller in Plato’s footnotes
Two pictures tell a thousand words. In his recent public appearance, Robert Mueller thought he’d been clear, or as clear as the peculiar...

Richard Farr
Jun 2, 2019
Nasty journalism
What with global warming to worry about, and Syria, and the Sixth Extinction, we really shouldn’t be spending any of our attention on...

Richard Farr
May 29, 2019
Understanding the Con
Absurd and repulsive though he is, the vandal Boris Johnson (Pants-on-Fire, Con), who has perhaps done his country more harm than any...

Richard Farr
Mar 1, 2019
Those who would be king
Authoritarianism is on the rise … measurably. Nobel prize-winning economist Angus Deaton has said that one of the most fundamental...
Richard Farr
Nov 27, 2018
Lynching the language too
No surprise that the President has rushed to the aid of Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, whose campaign in Mississippi has been threatened by a...

Richard Farr
Oct 15, 2018
Fascism for beginners
“Oh what fun it all is! Look at the joy on their little faces!” There’s so much being written about threats to democracy that it’s hard...

Richard Farr
Oct 11, 2018
Pry social media from your own trembling hands?
Should you place a hood over the evil Facebook, blast Twitter out of its tree, and rip up all your Instagrams? You really should,...

Richard Farr
Oct 8, 2018
Authoritarianism and its antidote
After so many headlines about the men who want to turn the world into kindling and warm their hands over the flames (in just this...

Richard Farr
Aug 24, 2018
Speaking as a human being; on identity (politics) and intersectionality.
Excellent Op-Ed in the New York Times from a couple of weeks ago by (my once-upon-a-time teacher) Kwame Anthony Appiah, applying his...

Richard Farr
Aug 23, 2018
Vichy Republicans
I repeat this excellent and precisely chosen adjective from a piece by Frank Rich:
Richard Farr
Aug 16, 2018
On Tyranny
Here are seven favorite quotations from historian Timothy Snyder’s superb short book of the same name: When the men with guns who have...
Richard Farr
Jul 31, 2018
Patriotism, racism, and profitable posturing at the NFL
Standing in the crowd at sports events recently, I find the continued singing of the national anthem more and more surreal. “Land of the...
Richard Farr
Jul 8, 2018
Putting the con in conservative
The theme is a growing one – at long last: a crucial fact about American politics, without which little else can be understood, is that...
Richard Farr
Jun 29, 2018
David Brooks and the illusions of Conservatism
I’ve thought it for decades, and conservative columnist David Brooks has finally admitted it – sort of: most of the people referred to in...
Richard Farr
Jun 22, 2018
Charles Krauthammer and honesty
We are not supposed to speak ill of the dead – apparently, indeed, we are supposed to go on and on about how marvelous the dead were. And...
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