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Richard Farr
Nov 10, 2020
Comeback Joe vs Mitch McVader
Liberal Democracy in 1900: Liberal Democracy in 2017 (though let's recolor India and Hungary, shall we?): Assuming the Republicans still...
Richard Farr
Nov 4, 2020
Election hangover
I'm having a pretty hard time handling the election results this morning. As I write, Biden may still narrowly win, but the vote mainly...

Richard Farr
Oct 12, 2020
It's a Humpty Trumpty World
Language matters; three words that matter more than most right now - because our politicians are encouraging us to get it all wrong about...

Richard Farr
Aug 27, 2020
Conservative hysteria about left-wing hysteria
At the GOP convention, Mike Pence has been winning back some nervous Wisconsin voters by promising that Donald Trump, man of Law and...
Richard Farr
Jul 22, 2020
First names and social distancing
Not being of the Fascism-Curious Party, I will vote for Joe Biden in the Fall. Being sufficiently revolted by the FCP that I have...

Richard Farr
Jul 21, 2020
Brownshirts in Portland
Armed men, acting on the President's orders but with their agency and identity disguised, abduct peaceful protesters from the streets,...

Richard Farr
Jul 20, 2020
Who will guard the guardians?
The recent death of John Lewis, civil rights giant and author of the wonderful MARCH trilogy, has filled the news with copies of the...

Richard Farr
Jun 10, 2020

Richard Farr
Jun 2, 2020
Tim Allen and the doorknob question
Recently I was sent an opinion-piece written by the comedian Tim Allen; it defends (or anyway announces) a list of "conservative"...

Richard Farr
May 22, 2020
Optimism - and my new favorite news site
Doing some research on iconic speeches in times of crisis, I am struck by the common thread: all of them - Lincoln's Second Inaugural,...

Richard Farr
May 11, 2020
Privacy creep
As Orwell almost said, Little DoubleThinker Is Scamming You. This morning The New York Times treated us to a piece by one of their...
Richard Farr
Apr 20, 2020
Alice in Freedumland
Jefferson's house has been set on fire. Ignorance is one of the chief accelerants. But perhaps that cuts two ways. (1) At the Michigan...

Richard Farr
Mar 28, 2020
Covfefe-16 crisis solved?
For three long years now America has been ravaged by the highly infectious and potentially lethal disease Covfefe-16. You may recall that...

Richard Farr
Mar 27, 2020
The Pied Piper of Pennsylvania Avenue
We received this frightening little postcard yesterday. The contrast between the front and the back says so much. On the back there is...

Richard Farr
Mar 8, 2020
Piketty's primary
It's a commonplace in American and much other discourse, from the farthest reaches of the market-evangelical libertarian right to the...

Richard Farr
Feb 27, 2020
Nasty viruses and a question about precision
Listening to NPR yesterday, I was informed (is that the right word?): "There are only 60 confirmed cases of infection by the Covid-19...

Richard Farr
Feb 13, 2020
Dis Barred?
Attorney General William Barr has complained that Donald Trump's tweets make it impossible for him to do his job. This is tellingly...
Richard Farr
Jan 31, 2020
American politics: the mistake of the Moderatists
My old friend Aristotle is well known for the claim that moderation is a virtue - indeed, that we can locate virtue at the point of...
Richard Farr
Jan 3, 2020
It was a peach while it lasted
For three years now, an oily moral poison has been leaking from the wrecked hull of that stately grand dame of the democratic oceans, the...
Richard Farr
Nov 26, 2019
Hong Kong election latest
The People: 30%. Reactionary lick-spittle unpatriotic bourgeois foreign anarcho-terrorist student black-hand hooligan elements: 70%...
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